Wednesday 11-19-08
I pray my children NEVER ignore the poor… for he who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered. Prov 21:13
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I pray my children NEVER ignore the poor… for he who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered. Prov 21:13
My children already possess everything they need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1 Pe 1:3-4
Let my children experience sorrow and deep grief for the wrong things they have done. They will come to You and ask forgiveness, therefore entering Your kingdom by humbling themselves. Evil isn’t present in Your kingdom… may their hearts reside there while still on earth so they may experience Your peace, the peace that passes…
Show my children that their job is to obey Your commands and instructions and that Your job is to fight for them and clear the paths You’ve set before them … destroying all roadblocks that are keeping them from entering their place of blessing. I will live each day in praise, thanksgiving and obedience. As…
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer. Ps 66:18-19
My children will fear no enemies, not one! They will not tremble today or be terrified because of them. You are with them crushing those enemies and saving them from the potential pain of falling into traps and a life of destruction. Deuteronomy 20:3-4
Reveal to my children their areas of weakness and help them avoid situations that tempt them to disobey you. Help them grow and mature but make them aware of danger zones so they don’t put themselves in harm’s way. They will run from temptations today! 2Ti 2:22