Wednesday 12/03/08
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
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May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
Dear Lord, I know that you have the power to do anything I ask… and when I don’t please let me acknowledge my lack of faith so you can give me that, too! Today, my children will speak promise and success over their situation (and they always have SOME situation!) They will not rehearse the…
Give my children a hunger for Your word. Place them under the care of teachers and spiritual leaders who are strong Christians so they may further grow in truth. Expose false teachers sent by the enemy to shift their focus and energy to unworthy things. Keep them on guard so they don’t find themselves valuing…
Let my children meet the needs of others. Give them abundant resources of all kinds so they can soothe a grieving world. Allow them to bring glory to You through their generous hearts. 2Co 9:11
God speaks to us through the magic of music. Hearing a new song sometimes puts a bounce in our step or a smile on our face that lasts all day, or an instrumental arrangement that for some inexplicable reason fills our eyes with tears … thank You for these little previews of heaven while on…
My children will pray for those who persecute them. Give them the heart of Christ and let them react to persecution the way the soldier in the story did. When boots were thrown in his face as he knelt in prayer, he did nothing… and the next morning… the boots were polished and returned to…
May my children add You to their speed dial … calling on You first when they have a problem. Their faith grows as they stand firm and believe You can bring comfort and victory to their lives. 2Chronicles 20:17