Thursday 1/08/09
Give my children the best view of reality so they may have the clearest priorities. They will understand You are worthy and order their existence around You. Teach me to do the same! Rev 8:6-11,19
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Give my children the best view of reality so they may have the clearest priorities. They will understand You are worthy and order their existence around You. Teach me to do the same! Rev 8:6-11,19
Thank you for giving me Your peace. If I become wrought up or anxious about anything today, remind me that I am wasting treasure. Show me that it is as silly as swimming in a crystal clean river and complaining of thirst. Help me teach this to my children. John 14:7
May my children witness my joy and know the source by the way I live. I pray they find their way to my well and grow dependent on Your Living Water! The world entices with flashy and instant gratification, show my children there is a better way. Use me! Jn 10:10, Jn 7:37-38
Thank You for giving my children Your Word and giving me the insight to release its power into their lives. May they exercise the power of the Word in their own lives by learning to adhere to, trust in, and rely on it! 1 Thessalonians 2:13
You are able to make every favor and earthly blessing come to my children in abundance so that they will always be self sufficient… possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. 2 Co 9:8
Let me experience much joy and comfort from my children’s love, specifically their love for others. This kindness so often refreshes the hearts of God’s people. They worship You in serving others and behave as true disciples of Christ. Phm 1:7
Do not allow my children to fret about the unsaved. It is not their job nor do they have the power to save others. Let them live a joyful life knowing You have their back here on earth and that they will spend eternity with You. Their job is to plant the seed then remain…