Friday 4/10/09
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
I confess the word of God dwells in me. I possess the grace of God. Col 3:16
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Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
I confess the word of God dwells in me. I possess the grace of God. Col 3:16
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer. Ps 66:18-19
Send a mentor into each of my children’s lives, someone who will learn their strengths and encourage them to grow in the direction of Your Son! Thank you for letting me shepherd my flock … and thank you for sending help! Philippians 3:17
My children will be patient and kind. They will not be irritable, rude, selfish, easily angered and will keep no record of when they have been wronged. Let me be a living example of your definition of love so they will grow in knowledge and wisdom and reveal this kind of love to future generations….
I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Heb 12:12
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Corinthians 9:16
When my children are knowingly or unknowingly walking in sin cause their hearts to soften. May they hear and heed Your messengers rather than mock Your rebukes. Yes, gossip really does sting back and those innocent white lies are still entrances for the enemy. There are natural consequences to sin… may my children repent and…