Wednesday 12/02/09
Give my children the heart to protect your creation. They have dominion over the works of your hands and all things have been put under their feet. Make them aware of how precious and important they are in this world. Ps 8:6
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Give my children the heart to protect your creation. They have dominion over the works of your hands and all things have been put under their feet. Make them aware of how precious and important they are in this world. Ps 8:6
Dear Lord, in the face of my children’s most grievous trouble, remind them to bend down and pray, that nothing is too hard for You. Your word tells my children that You will bend down and listen to them… but first they must submit to Your authority and have faith that You do indeed have…
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Hebrews 10:36
Teach my children not to condemn other Christians. Help them understand that we are each accountable to God. Let their minds be free of this clutter so they may focus on serving You. Ro 14:10
You purposely created my children with a need that only You can meet. When they come to depend on other sources to fill that need they are guilty of idolatry. May they recognize what they are doing, stop, and learn to enjoy the fullness of a daily relationship with You. 2Peter 3:9, Isaiah 55:6
You know what You are doing. You have it all planned out. Plans to take care of my children, not abandon them. Plans to give them the future they hope for. When they call on You, when they come and pray to You, You will listen. When they come looking for You, You’ll find them. Yes,…
Join my children to Christ’s body by his strong sinews so they are nourished and strengthened by You. Show them that the only way to receive Your strength and blessing on earth is to bind their lives to Jesus Christ. Show them that sin weakens the connection and saps their strength. Col 2:19