Friday 4/09/2010
My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them. Jn 4:23
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My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them. Jn 4:23
Dear Lord, I know that you have the power to do anything I ask … and when I don’t please you let me acknowledge my lack of faith so You can give me that, too! Today, my children will speak promise and success over their situation (and they always have SOME situation!) They will not…
Pride is the bitter enemy of my children. Humility is their dear friend. May I humble myself before God so that humility will be mine. As my children witness my actions they will see with their physical eyes my transformation as I am given a humble heart. They will witness the blessing of God’s strength…
My children must first WALK OUT of the wilderness before God can deliver them to their Promised Land of blessing. May my children begin to speak God’s Word over their life rather than speak defeat… and choose to walk away from choices that bring them harm. Eph 4:29, Is 65:16
I pray my children humble themselves and begin to understand their relationship with You. We are Your tools and You are the master craftsman. You give us talents and the will to develop them … You open doors and bring provision … we MUST give all glory to You … or we will fall. Isaiah…
I trust Christ to save me. Use my life to teach my children that God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith, not their own goodness. Let them experience the mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. Philippians 3:9-10
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Heb 12:12-13
Just praying for your kids and mine!! And all the kids of the world!! Aren’t we all kids who belong to God?? TK