Tuesday 12/14/2010
Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
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Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
May others look upon my children as strong, courageous, joyful and loving servants of God … and know that You are all powerful and worthy of praise and thanksgiving. I pray others will turn to You because of my children. Joshua 2:11
Make my children’s roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so they will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth. Let their lives overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done! Colossians 2:7
Give my children x-ray vision… to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude… their own attitude… and…
Do not allow my children to fret about the unsaved. It is not their job nor do they have the power to save others. Let them live a joyful life knowing You have their back here on earth and that they will spend eternity with You. Their job is to plant the seed then remain…
May my children choose to love You. Talk is cheap… their actions prove to You who they serve! You have given each of them the gift of Your voice, the constant presence of Knowledge available to them. I pray with all my heart they learn to LISTEN to You (that still, small voice in their…
Reveal to my children their areas of weakness and help them avoid situations that tempt them to disobey You. Help them grow and mature but make them aware of danger zones so they don’t put themselves in harm’s way. They will run from temptations today! 2Timothy 2:22