Tuesday 1/18/2011
Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way. Ps 105:19
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Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way. Ps 105:19
Let my children receive nourishment from Christ by meditating on the Word so that all their needs will be satisfied and their lives will abound with the fruit of His works! Psalms 104:3
Help my children see the truth, that under God’s protection and Christ’s blood, they do not have to live under guilt or condemnation. In fact, if they do, they are essentially calling God a liar … for all the sins they will commit while on earth have already been forgiven … from the womb to…
May my children grow in the footsteps of Christ and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and may the grace of God be upon them. Lk 2:40
Of course my children will sin, that is not the point. May they freely admit their sin so they will be forgiven and continuously cleansed from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
Make my children strong … may they NEVER opt for the easy way out and detach from people. Christ gave his life for people … and we were left here on this earth for the purpose of connecting! Matthew 24:12, John 17:18
Send a mentor into each of my children’s lives, someone who will learn their strengths and encourage them to grow in the direction of Your Son! Thank you for letting me shepherd my flock… and thank you for sending help! Php 3:17