Wednesday 9/21/2011
I pray that at some point in this day I will have the opportunity to teach my children that good and evil are both present in each of our hearts… and that whichever we choose to feed is the one we will become. Ro 12:21
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I pray that at some point in this day I will have the opportunity to teach my children that good and evil are both present in each of our hearts… and that whichever we choose to feed is the one we will become. Ro 12:21
Today, each of my children will encounter at least one person who is hurting … whether they recognize the pain or not. May my children be the encouragers of this world bringing hope and joy to everyone they meet. When my children are hurting, I pray they realize You haven’t turned your back on them…
Help my children see the truth, that under God’s protection and Christ’s blood, they do not have to live under guilt or condemnation. In fact, if they do, they are essentially call God a liar… for all the sin’s they will commit while on earth have already been forgiven… from the womb to the tomb!…
Give my children x-ray vision … to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude … their own…
I pray my children will invite the Word to penetrate them through and through with its full power and authority for the purpose of sanctifying them as they are trying to walk with You while battling peer pressure. John 17:15-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Teach my children to be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks in circumstances, for this is Your will for them in Jesus Christ! 1Thessalonians 5:16-18
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study Your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners if their life. Let them receive Your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey You. Matthew 5:8, Hebrew 12:1, John 15:3, Psalms 50:10