Thursday 9/29/2011
May my children dwell in love, to live it and walk it out, and not just love for You but love in action for those around them. For in doing so they place themselves in Your shelter and can weather any storm. Ps 91:1
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May my children dwell in love, to live it and walk it out, and not just love for You but love in action for those around them. For in doing so they place themselves in Your shelter and can weather any storm. Ps 91:1
Keep my children in front of Your mirror. Set their gaze on You. As they begin to see their reflection through Your eyes they will see the actions they need to take in order to come in line with who You want them to become. Remind them as often as needed to feel no shame…
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12:12-13
Teach my children that earthly prosperity is NOT the goal but the result! Help them understand that seeking Your will then following it is the goal … for they will become so filled with joy, peace, and love that prosperity will simply become a fringe benefit … the frosting on the cake … and every…
Thank You for giving my children one heart and one way. Thank You for Your everlasting covenant with them, that You will not turn away from following them to do them good, and You will not depart from them! Jer 32:38
Keep my children from believing the lie that the thing they d sire most will bring them the happiness they so desperately crave (be it a relationship, their health, a certain possession, financial security, etc.) Teach my children that true happiness comes when they trust You for what they need, knowing if it’s right You’ll…
You have planned out and made ready the good life for my children to live. Your Word does not promise a ‘bad life’ for my children … show them who they are living for when they make bad choices (the enemy) … and please help them stay on Your ‘good path’ so they may experience…