Saturday 10/22/2011
Build in my children a faithful heart… for their prayers to be answered my children must ask in faith without any doubting… for if they doubt they ought not to expect to receive anything from You! Jn 1:6-8
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Build in my children a faithful heart… for their prayers to be answered my children must ask in faith without any doubting… for if they doubt they ought not to expect to receive anything from You! Jn 1:6-8
May my children show and make obvious that they are letters from Christ delivered to the world by me … not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God … not on tablets of stone but on tablets of the human heart. 2 Corinthians 3:3
The seeds have been planted! My children have talents they haven’t discovered and dreams that haven’t been filled. Give them the faith and patience to know they are evolving… to keep them humble in seasons of great harvest… and strong in times of lack. Gen. 2:8
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33
When someone exits my children’s life… that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned… it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Sa 12:20
When someone exits my children’s life … that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned … it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths, then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Samuel 12:20
I pray that at some point in this day I will have the opportunity to teach my children that good and evil are both present in each of our hearts… and that whichever we choose to feed is the one we will become. Ro 12:21