Thursday 4/26/2012
May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Ps 57:11
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May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Ps 57:11
I pray that You strengthen my children with Your glorious power so that they will have all the patience and endurance they need. Colossians 1:11
Keep my children away from complaining and arguing. Help them live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:14-15
Keep my children away from complaining and arguing. Help them live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:14-15
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender… may they feel the pain of their own sin so that they…
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study Your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners if their life. Let them receive Your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey You. Matthew 5:8, Hebrew 12:1, John 15:3, Psalms 50:10
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others … love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality … they won’t…