Tuesday 5/21/2013
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
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As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God … I pray I feel them too! Daniel 10:10
10-14-10 I Pray my married children never mistreat their spouse… not only will they hurt the one they love… they will block the blessings from the ONE who loves them! 1Pt 3:7
Teach my children that earthly prosperity is NOT the goal but the result! Help them understand that seeking Your will then following it is the goal… for they will become so filled with joy, peace, and love that prosperity will simply become a fringe benefit… the frosting on the cake… and every parent knows that…
As my children walk in Your will and obey Your commands, pour out Your spirit upon them and make Your words known to them. Thank You for such a life giving promise. Proverbs 1:23
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other. Romans 15:5-6
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank You for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Deuteronomy 30:2-3