Wednesday 6/5/2013
We are commanded by Jesus Christ not to worry. Most of the trouble my children fear will never happen… worry is simply Satan’s tool to steal their day… and eventually their life! Mt 6:25
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We are commanded by Jesus Christ not to worry. Most of the trouble my children fear will never happen… worry is simply Satan’s tool to steal their day… and eventually their life! Mt 6:25
As my children walk throughout their day, may the whispers and jeers fade as they are filled with your Sprit. They are Your children; loving, strong, wise and beautiful… do not let the world bring them down and crush them. 1Jn 3:1 I confess I belong to Christ. I possess a pure heart. Gal 5:24
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed, or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life… give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. Jn 14:1,6
Sometimes when my children are experiencing a season of loss … they forget the good stuff. Their own loss hardens them to the plight of others as well as their own blessings. Their happiness will never come from getting what they want, but only through gratitude for what they already have. Please remind them today…
Thank you for giving me Your peace. If I become wrought up or anxious about anything today, remind me that I am wasting treasure. Show me that it is as silly as swimming in a crystal clean river and complaining of thirst. Help me teach this to my children. Jn 14:7
You have planned out and made ready the good life for my children to live. Your Word does not promise a ‘bad life’ for my children … show them who they are living for when they make bad choices (the enemy) … and please help them stay on Your ‘good path’ so they may experience…
Keep my children from believing the lie that the thing they desire most will bring them the happiness they so desperately crave (be it a relationship, their health, a certain possession, financial security, etc…). Teach my children that true happiness comes when they trust You for what they need, knowing if it’s right You’ll provide…