Sunday 8/04/2013
I know all about sin! Let my children admit their shame to me so that I can help relieve their guilt, lighten the heaviness, and restore their spirits. I pray they take my hand… as I know the way to the cross! Gal 6:1
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I know all about sin! Let my children admit their shame to me so that I can help relieve their guilt, lighten the heaviness, and restore their spirits. I pray they take my hand… as I know the way to the cross! Gal 6:1
God, please give my children complete understanding of what You want them to do in their lives, and I ask You to make them wise with spiritual wisdom. Col 1:9
Oftentimes my children forget that God’s children aren’t just the people that seem nice or other Christians or the people that seem safe… but ALL the precious people God created. Let my children find ways to express Your love to the world around them… for You reside in every person walking the planet (whether they…
My children cannot throw out parts of the Bible they don’t agree with… they know this! Let them confess that Your works are marvelous, which includes their own bodies, inside and out! Let them learn that by confessing that they are wonderful is an act of praise to You. Putting themselves down is a direct…
Reveal to my children their areas of weakness and help them avoid situations that tempt them to disobey you. Help them grow and mature but make them aware of danger zones so they don’t put themselves in harm’s way. They will run from temptations today! 2Ti 2:22
May my children show and make obvious that they are letters from Christ delivered to the world by me … not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God … not on tablets of stone but on tablets of the human heart. 2 Corinthians 3:3
As my children mature, give them the right amount of Your wisdom at just the right time. May they steadily grow in Your Word so they don’t become overwhelmed and stumble. Your promises are great… but we must each learn the doors we must walk through in order to receive them. Ps 112:1