Sunday 10/06/2013
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3
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May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3
Lord, help my children see that the temptations that come into their lives are no different from what others experience. You promised to show them a way out so they would not give in; let them see. 1Corinthians 10:13
When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You… and pray for redirection! 2 Ti 2:16
My children will make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person that offends them. They will be bound together by love and let the peace that comes from Christ rule their hearts. Colossians 3:13-15
My children have been given the authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and the physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possess so that nothing shall in any way harm them. I pray they take it! Lk 10:19
You purposely created my children with a need that only You can meet. When they come to depend on other sources to fill that need they are guilty of idolatry. May they recognize what they are doing, stop, and learn to enjoy the fullness of a daily relationship with You. 2Peter 3:9, Isaiah 55:6
As my children walk throughout their day, may the whispers and jeers fade as they are filled with your Sprit. They are Your children; loving, strong, wise and beautiful… do not let the world bring them down and crush them. 1 Jn 3:1