Saturday 10/12/2013
May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them! Jas 1:6-8
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May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them! Jas 1:6-8
May my children witness my joy and know the source by the way I live. I pray they find their way to my well and grow dependent on Your Living Water! The world entices with flashy and instant gratification, show my children there is a better way. Use me! Jn 10:10, Jn 7:37-38
Faith enables my children to receive what God has already done. He has already made my children healthy, wealthy and wise… but they must believe it to receive it. May my children remain patience and steadfast in their faith as they mature in Christ and transform their lives and their destiny through obedience to Your…
My children will not be hindered by their past mistakes. When thoughts of hurt and betrayal enter their thoughts today, remind my children that You gave Your Son for their forgiveness … so they appreciate Your ultimate act of sacrifice so that they may live a free, peaceful, and joy filled life. Once their mind…
10-14-10 I Pray my married children never mistreat their spouse… not only will they hurt the one they love… they will block the blessings from the ONE who loves them! 1Pt 3:7
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Co 9:16
Let Your Holy Spirit lead the lives of my children. As they learn to yield to Your spirit, strengthen them to be a bearer of Your love to a broken world. May Your Holy Spirit give them great love for others. Col 1:8