Monday 11/11/2013
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Co 9:16
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Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Co 9:16
As we remember the historical winds of terror brought upon our nation by enemies, let those memories serve to remind us that we are ONE nation under God. That united as one body, each taking our place to serve the needs of our fellow Americans … as well as future generations … that the enemy…
God gives different missions to different people, and equips each person to accomplish their purpose. Don’t let my children get bogged down with hang ups about other people’s gifts. Help them see that it is not only a waste of time, but questions Your authority and capability. I pray my children do what they were…
My children will be patient and kind. They will not be irritable, rude, selfish, easily angered and will keep no record of when they have been wronged. Let me be a living example of your definition of love so they will grow in knowledge and wisdom and reveal this kind of love to future generations….
Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer. Col 2:8-10
Teach my children that earthly prosperity is NOT the goal but the result! Help them understand that seeking Your will then following it is the goal… for they will become so filled with joy, peace, and love that prosperity will simply become a fringe benefit… the frosting on the cake… and every parent knows that…
Teach my children the power of Selah (pause and reflect.) Don’t allow them to race through life without capturing the meaning. When they experience those ‘ah ha’ moments, they will pause, give thanks for Your constant companionship in their lives, and then strive to comprehend that You were there all along. Ps 3:1-8