Monday 12/16/2013
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them. 1Peter 4:10
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Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them. 1Peter 4:10
I pray my children will invite the Word to penetrate them through and through with its full power and authority for the purpose of sanctifying them as they are trying to walk with You while battling peer pressure. Jn 17:15-18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Go with my children into the New Year so they will live and not hide. Give them the catalyst to activate their faith … courage. Show them how to tremble their way to confidence, that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the conquest of it. Deuteronomy 31:6
Let me know my children’s weakness, but show them their strengths; feel their fears but fortify their faith; see their anxieties but free their spirit; recognize their disabilities but emphasize their possibilities. Pr 27:17 & William Alan Ward
Don’t let my children be discouraged by correction. Remind them that You discipline those You love, and punish those You accept as your children. Hebrews 12:5-6
May my children find the blessings in their trials. Often times it takes the presence of a storm to find peace… as they pass through the storm and walk into the eye they find Jesus. I pray my children find Him without the need of a storm… but if that is not the case keep…
You have assured us that if we believe in You that we will be able to do the things that You do, and that we will do even greater things because You have gone to the Father. It is with this authority that I break every hold the enemy has over my children and deliver…