Saturday 7/19/2014
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in His glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others.
Colossians 1:27
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Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in His glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others.
Colossians 1:27
We are created to believe the best in every person. My children do but they forget the most important part… ALL the time! Especially when someone is annoying them, may my children STOP and focus on the positive attributes… I am not that bad!!! 1 Cor 13:7
Lord, please reveal to my children the areas of their lives that displease You. Give them a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will choose obedience. In doing so, they will release the power of Your blessings over their lives. Ps 25:11-14
For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan! Eph 1:11
Let my children live by their spiritual values every day. May these principals be the light that guides them and offers stability and structure to their inner world. When that world is in order, they can navigate their way through anything. Joshua 1:7-9
God, please give my children complete understanding of what You want them to do in their lives, and I ask You to make them wise with spiritual wisdom. Col 1:9 I confess that God is fighting my battles for me, I possess peace. Ex 14:14
May my children learn to abide in the Shadow of the Almighty by taking cover in Your light and letting You expose their sin so they may work to overcome it. In doing so, they embark on a journey of divine favor and protection. Psalm 91