Friday 2/20/2015
I pray that You strengthen my children with Your glorious power so that they will have all the patience and endurance they need.
Colossians 1:11
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I pray that You strengthen my children with Your glorious power so that they will have all the patience and endurance they need.
Colossians 1:11
Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer. Colossians 2:8-10
Let my children receive nourishment from Christ by meditating on the Word so that all their needs will be satisfied and their lives will abound with the fruit of His works! Ps 104:3
Teach my children to feel good, invincible, happy, and free. Show them that the short lived relief from pain that comes from sin will NEVER compare to the eternal power of the Holy Spirit available to them every second of every day. Reveal to me the areas of my life that I have become dependent…
The next time my children are offered an invitation to a pity party, their own or to that of a friend, I pray they turn it down. Let them become so filled with gratitude for all the good in their lives and may their eyesight become so sharp that they are able to point out…
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Esther 10:3