Monday 2/23/2015
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words.
Matthew 5:8
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Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words.
Matthew 5:8
Help my children understand that they will need people to help fulfill Your purpose for their life and get them where they need to go next. Let them see me humble myself to others as well as honor those God has placed in my life. Romans 16:3
Show my children that their job is to obey Your commands and instructions and that Your job is to fight for them and clear the paths You’ve set before them … destroying all roadblocks that are keeping them from entering their place of blessing. I will live each day in praise, thanksgiving and obedience. As…
Keep my children in front of Your mirror, set their gaze on You. As they begin to see their reflection through Your eyes they will see the actions they need to take in order to come in line with who You want them to become. Remind them as often as need-d to feel no shame…
My children will learn to seek Your wisdom in all situations. There are many people on this earth who are out to trick them… my children will be protected from false motives as they learn to seek You. Jos 9:14
Reveal to my children that letting their minds become seduced from wholehearted, sincere, and pure devotion to Christ is no different from Eve taking that apple. Both hinge on the test of obedience. Eve wasn’t ejected from the garden simply because she ate the fruit but because she disobeyed God by rejecting His authority. We…
You are able to make every favor and earthly blessing come to my children in abundance so that they will always be self sufficient … possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. 2 Corinthians 9:8