Monday 6/15/2015
May my children wake up today and see only two people groups, those in Christ Jesus and those not. I pray they lavish love on both groups of people.
Galatians 3:28
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May my children wake up today and see only two people groups, those in Christ Jesus and those not. I pray they lavish love on both groups of people.
Galatians 3:28
You have assured us that if we believe in You that we will be able to do the things that You do, and that we will do even greater things because You have gone to the Father. It is with this authority that I break every hold the enemy has over my children and deliver…
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together. 1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You! Isa 26:3
When my children recognize they are worrying about something, prompt them to repent then turn to You in gratitude for what they already have… and prayer to strengthen and prepare them for the task at hand. Php 4:6
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…
Fill my children with joy by revealing their shortcomings. Do not let them erect defenses against their own inadequacies and try to hide their faults from themselves and others. Let them embrace justified criticism for what it is … encouragement toward spiritual growth. Proverbs 15:5