Sunday 2/28/2016
My children will constantly listen to and obey Jesus. This is a direct command from You! I will do the same.
Mark 9:7
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My children will constantly listen to and obey Jesus. This is a direct command from You! I will do the same.
Mark 9:7
Transform my children by renewing their minds. Please find a way to bring the Word into their lives today, giving them a desire to know how you want them to live. Obedience to your Word is the best way for all of us to find what we are looking for… but the enemy is working…
Take whatever faith my children possess and work with it! Your Word is filled with thousands of promises. May my children use the index at the end of their bibles, find the promises they need to carry them through their current trial… and then believe You that You are able and willing to deliver! May…
Make my children willing to suffer for Your name, to choose not to sin and stand firm in pleasing You. This is one of the ways they show their love for You and place themselves in the Shelter of the Most High and causes them to dwell in love. Psalms 91:1
I want to be a good example for my children. Help me undedstand that true joy and peace are directly tied to my faith. If I want more joy, or more peace … I must simply ask You for more faith. Just as eating pie brings a smile to my face, asking for more faith…
When my children recognize they are worrying about something, prompt them to repent then turn to You in gratitude for what they already have… and prayer to strengthen and prepare them for the task at hand. Php 4:6
My children must first WALK OUT of the wilderness before God can deliver them to their Promised Land of blessing. May my children begin to speak God’s Word over their life rather than speak defeat… and choose to walk away from choices that bring them harm. Eph 4:29, Isa 65:16