Tuesday 3/01/2016
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
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Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
Being filled with pride comes naturally. Give my children more heroes like David Robinson who gives all glory to You! It is only when my children finally admit their victories are simply reflections of Your glory that they are supplied with the supernatural strength of a humble spirit. Humility is not a sign of weakness……
My children must first WALK OUT of the wilderness before God can deliver them to their Promised Land of blessing. May my children begin to speak God’s Word over their life rather than speak defeat … and choose to walk away from choices that bring them harm. Ephesians 4:29, Isaiah 65:16
May my children reach deep and put on strong and courageous behaviors and move forward doing what you have called them to do. As they remember that You are with them, my children will fear not nor be dismayed. You promise not to fail or forsake them as they complete the work You have set…
Lord, give my children the wisdom to find common ground with those You place in their lives. Fill them with passion for You so they may be a light to this world. Let them receive the joy that comes with Your blessings. 1Co 9:22-23
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who offended or hurt them, their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those who…
As my children walk throughout their day, may the whispers and jeers fade as they are filled with Your Sprit. They are Your children; loving, strong, wise and beautiful… do not let the world bring them down and crush them. 1 Jn 3:1