Tuesday 12/04/2012
Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else. Gal 6:4-5
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Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else. Gal 6:4-5
I pray my children humble themselves before You rather than forcing You to humble them. May my children find a quiet place to humble themselves before You today so that the boulders of their pride roll off their road to freedom which are blocking their spirits and lives from receiving all that You have planned…
You promise to make my home joyful and favored if I am just and consistently righteous. Make me grateful for that promise so that I take it. In doing so my children will taste the blessing and someday place their home on the same foundation as mine. Pr 3:33
Lord, let me hear the sweet comfort of Your voice. Those moments when my mind becomes sharp, clear, focused and completely consumed by my connection to You. My children will benefit as I carry them along my path, teaching them to walk with You also, and then rejoicing as they recognize Your voice and follow…
I know all about sin! Let my children admit their shame to me so that I can help relieve their guilt, lighten the heaviness, and restore their spirits. I pray they take my hand… as I know the way to the cross! Gal 6:1
Do not let my children value what is worthy by the measure of this world. They will not fear displeasing their peers and being left out of certain circles, rather, they will develop a wholesome dread of displeasing You. Is 8:12-13
Let my children experience sorrow and deep grief for the wrong things they have done. They will come to you and ask forgiveness, therefore entering your kingdom by humbling themselves. Evil isn’t present in your kingdom… may their hearts reside there while still on earth so they may experience your peace, the peace that passes…