Wednesday 10/12/2016
May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them!
James 1:6-8
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May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them!
James 1:6-8
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts. Col 3:16
Let my children meet the needs of others. Give them abundant resources of all kinds so they can soothe a grieving world. Allow them to bring glory to You through their generous hearts. 2Corinthians 9:11
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
My children already possess everything they, need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1Pe 1:3-4
Dear Lord, in the face of my children’s most grievous trouble, remind them to bend down and pray, that nothing is too hard for You. Your word tells my children that You will bend down and listen to them… but first they must submit to Your authority and have faith that You do indeed have…
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts. Col 3:16
Let my children meet the needs of others. Give them abundant resources of all kinds so they can soothe a grieving world. Allow them to bring glory to You through their generous hearts. 2Corinthians 9:11
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
My children already possess everything they, need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1Pe 1:3-4
Dear Lord, in the face of my children’s most grievous trouble, remind them to bend down and pray, that nothing is too hard for You. Your word tells my children that You will bend down and listen to them… but first they must submit to Your authority and have faith that You do indeed have…
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts. Col 3:16
Let my children meet the needs of others. Give them abundant resources of all kinds so they can soothe a grieving world. Allow them to bring glory to You through their generous hearts. 2Corinthians 9:11
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
My children already possess everything they, need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1Pe 1:3-4
Dear Lord, in the face of my children’s most grievous trouble, remind them to bend down and pray, that nothing is too hard for You. Your word tells my children that You will bend down and listen to them… but first they must submit to Your authority and have faith that You do indeed have…
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33