Tuesday 11/15/2016
I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to
follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I
am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Hebrews 12:12
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I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to
follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I
am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Hebrews 12:12
You have given my children the exact tools to tackle today. I pray their minds stay present and focused on living today like it was the most important day of their life… for tomorrow You will give them what they need to tackle tomorrow. It is irrelevant that they may not have today what it…
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts. Col 3:16 I confess the word of God dwells in me. I possess the grace of God. Col 3:16
Don’t let my children compare themselves to others and conclude that they aren’t worthy because they are missing particular talents, attributes, or possessions. Show them it is what they already possess that You will use to fulfill Your purpose in their life. Give them the faith to see that what they are holding onto is…
I pray my children view their circumstances with You as the focal point and see that their problems are a platform to display Your power to act on their behalf … may they understand this, stand firm in their faith, and NOT let the enemy get the best of them! Matthew 12:24-33
Teach my children the power of Selah (pause and reflect.) Don’t allow them to race through life without capturing the meaning. When they experience those ‘ahhh’ moments, they will pause, give thanks for Your constant companionship in their lives, and then strive to comprehend that You were there all along. Ps 3:1-8
The seeds have been planted! My children have talents they haven’t discovered and dreams that haven’t been filled. Give them the faith and patience to know they are evolving… to keep them humble in seasons of great harvest… and strong in times of lack. Gen. 2:8