Tuesday 1/18/2017
Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Psalms 105:19
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Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Psalms 105:19
Fill my children with joy by revealing their shortcomings. Do not let them erect defenses against their own inadequacies and try to hide their faults from themselves and others. Let them embrace justified criticism for what it is … encouragement toward spiritual growth. Proverbs 15:5
I pray my children recognize that their resources are all from You. May they seek Your will and then believe You. I’m quite sure You are asking them to do far more than they believe they are capable of achieving… and I am even more certain the resources You have given them are far greater…
Give my children the wisdom of Joseph. To know that God is in control of our lives at all times, even in long times of trouble. May they grow in this time so they will be prepared to accomplish God’s will when the pieces fall into place. And they will! Ge 45:8
Teach my children to be content regardless of circumstances. Once they finally learn to depend on You to fill their needs they will be free. Free from the bad moods of others, the ugly words of others, the gloom others bring into their day… my children were created with a need only You can fill……
Let the way my children live honor and please You Lord so they will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, they will learn to know You better and better. Colossians 1:10
Help my children carry the burden of someone else today, taking time to listen to a hurting friend, showing kindness to the lonely, or encouraging the downtrodden with their patience. Galatians 6:2