Thursday 12/21/2017
Teach my children the power of prayer. Show them that You rescue others because of our prayers and that many will give thanks to God when those prayers we have been diligently praying for them are answered.
2Corinthians 1:11
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Teach my children the power of prayer. Show them that You rescue others because of our prayers and that many will give thanks to God when those prayers we have been diligently praying for them are answered.
2Corinthians 1:11
My children have a hope and a future. Help them to focus on that, not the past. Use their pain to show them how to help bring healing to others… that it is the broken who become masters at mending. Isa 43:18-19
May my children show and make obvious that they are letters from Christ delivered to the world by me… not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God… not on tablets of stone but on tablets of the human heart. 2 Co 3:3
May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Psalms 57:11
Make my children willing to suffer for Your name, to choose not to sin and stand firm in pleasing You. This is one of the ways they show their love for You and place themselves in the Shelter of the Most High and causes them to dwell in love. Psalms 91:1
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attribute of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50
As my children charge through their day and face the many battles waiting for them outside our door (and in their own hearts) make Your presence known. Let them know You have their back so they may confidently traverse the path You have set before them. Deuteronomy 20:1