Saturday 6/02/2018
As my children live in obedience, they will receive the blessings God prepares for them in a timely manner … it is when they stray from their intended path that delays most likely occur!
1Samuel 9
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As my children live in obedience, they will receive the blessings God prepares for them in a timely manner … it is when they stray from their intended path that delays most likely occur!
1Samuel 9
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Corinthians 9:16
I pray my children speak with you this morning, saying to You, “All You command us we will do, and wherever You send us we will go.” Jos 1:16 I confess that God is fighting my battles for me, I possess peace. Ex 14:14
My children will set clear objectives. Their focus will reveal the deep wells of energy within them that are just waiting to be tapped. They will achieve great things today and make a difference in our world. Proverbs 4:25-27
My children will make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person that offends them. They will be bound together by love and let the peace that comes from Christ rule their hearts. Col 3:13-15
May my children’s ears be opened to the voice of reason. God will send wisdom through others, especially in the area of vengeance … and if my children withstand the urge to repay evil for evil … God will fight their battles and my children will see victory! 1Samuel 25
To have a profitable business, my children must know that business inside and out. I pray they approach the Word with even more fervor… spending time each day learning from Your wisdom. For just as one must be well versed in his business to stay afloat and prosper, one must be well versed in the…