Sunday 10/28/2018
When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You … and pray for redirection!
2 Timothy 2:16
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When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You … and pray for redirection!
2 Timothy 2:16
My children will be strong, courageous, and firm in the face of their enemies; they will fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is You, the Lord our God who goes with them. Thank You for the promise to not fail them or forsake them. Dt 31:6
As my children mature allow me to give them the dignity of making more and more of their own mistakes and then letting them learn from those experiences. They belong to You not me … keep me from hindering You from working in their lives by over parenting. Romans 12:16, 14:3, 14:23
In the midst of painful experiences when they feel rejection by their peers, let my children hear the thousands of angels in joyful assembly. Let my children come into your presence through acts obedience. Give them patience and kindness, the true expression of love for all people, especially those that hurt them. Heb 12:22, 12:25,…
Reveal Your magnificence to my children… use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake… just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble… for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made significant! Jas 4:10,…
Keep my children from busying themselves with other people’s affairs rather than doing their own work. I will correct them as needed without becoming weary or losing heart in doing right. I will be consistent. 1Th 3:11-13
Faith enables my children to receive what God has already done. He has already made my children healthy, wealthy and wise… but they must believe it to receive it. May my children remain patience and steadfast in their faith as they mature in Christ and transform their lives and their destiny through obedience to Your…