Friday 3/08/2019
Of course my children will sin, that is not the point. May they freely admit their sin so they will be forgiven and continuously cleansed from all unrighteousness.
1John 1:9
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Of course my children will sin, that is not the point. May they freely admit their sin so they will be forgiven and continuously cleansed from all unrighteousness.
1John 1:9
My children already possess everything they need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1 Pe 1:3-4
Do not let my children develop an attitude of superiority. You created them to carry the burdens of others … and their load will require assistance, too. Let them receive the understanding and concept of teamwork and allow themselves to need help. The people You then place alongside them will take their breath away! 1Kings…
When my children find themselves condemning others, let that be a clue that they are not receiving forgiveness for their own sin. Guilt and condemnation tell my children that their sins are too big for God’s forgiveness. Help them adopt a humble attitude and forgive themselves the way God has. Isa 43:25 I confess that…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings You have given them … their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Psalms 19:13
At some point we each learn (usually the hard way) that we prosper in direct correlation to the prosperity of our soul. I pray the Holy Spirit becomes so strong in my children and they hear His voice so clearly that their soul becomes strong and Christ like… for when it does, the gates of…
I Pray my married children never mistreat their spouse … not only will they hurt the one they love … they will block the blessings from the ONE who loves them! 1 Peter 3:7