Sunday 6/02/2019
As my children live in obedience, they will receive the blessings God prepares for them in a timely manner … it is when they stray from their intended path that delays most likely occur!
1Samuel 9
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As my children live in obedience, they will receive the blessings God prepares for them in a timely manner … it is when they stray from their intended path that delays most likely occur!
1Samuel 9
Faith is a force that can change things in my children’s lives. I pray that their dreams and plans are in line with Your will. I pray that my children BELIEVE that what they ask WILL take place… and most of all I pray their faith grows so that You become the most powerful force…
Bless my children with the kind of faith that empowers them to receive what they ask for in prayer. Prompt them to forgive all grudges they are holding against others. In doing so, they are equipped to embrace Your promise that whatever they ask for in prayer, if they believe that they have received it,…
Give my children the wisdom to see that Your command to love God above all others is about actions. Love is a verb … They must seek Your presence and Your wisdom through bible study, prayer, and good teachers of Your Word (make me one of those!) so they will be led by the Holy…
Let my children recognize that the little rainbows in their lives (the small needs met at just the right time) are the signs that You care for them. I will watch for these moments in their lives also and together will worship You in gratitude and love. Ge 9:13-15
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Thessalonians 3:7
Teach my children to pray heartfelt and continuous prayers and reveal to them the life changing power available to those who live a life pleasing to you… may the resurrected power of Christ dwell in my children so they may become a mighty force for Your kingdom leading Your sheep back home! Jas 5:16-20