Tuesday 6/11/2019
For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan!
Ephesians 1:11
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For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan!
Ephesians 1:11
Show my children specific areas of their lives where they are displeasing You. May they repent, receive forgiveness and then work to remove those behaviors from their lives. In doing so, they will be free to live a life that is full of joy, peace, and much love! 2Ti 3:15-17
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together. 1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
Left alone my children are vulnerable and incomplete. Surround them with Christians of all ages who continually motivate them to love Christ better and better. Create among them a spirit of Christian community where it isn’t odd or weird for them to reach out to each other for prayer or spiritual based encouragement. 3John 1:1-2
Let my children rejoice in triumph of their everyday battles and not become weary… it is a sign that God is preparing them for greater battles that will not only result in rich blessing for their own lives but eventually advance the Kingdom of Heaven. (1 Sam. 17:37)
Let my children receive nourishment from Christ by meditating on the Word so that all their needs will be satisfied and their lives will abound with the fruit of His works! Ps 104:3
Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You. Heb 13:20 Dear Friends, the Holy Spirit has impressed upon me the need to confess God’s word back to Him, rather than speak negativity over my life and circumstances….