Sunday 10/13/2019
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer.
Psalms 66:18-19
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May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer.
Psalms 66:18-19
Let my children experience sorrow and deep grief for the wrong things they have done. They will come to You and ask forgiveness, therefore entering Your kingdom by humbling themselves. Evil isn’t present in Your kingdom … may their hearts reside there while still on earth so they may experience Your peace, the peace that…
Thank You Father for breaking the hold sin had over my children. May they receive this incredible gift by faith, believing that through Christ, they have the power to resist sin. I am so grateful that You have made a way for us to travel from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God……
Let my children organize their time and follow through with their plans. In doing so, they won’t be consumed by the busyness of life and the frantic “catch-up” which steals their peace. They will then experience a multitude of quiet moments throughout their day. These still quiet moments are the gateway to Your presence and…
Gift my children with your Holy Spirit, giving them vision, inspiring them with creative ideas, introducing them to the right people, and empowering them to do the job. Fill them completely with faith and the love of Jesus Christ. Have mercy on them because of their sin and use them as examples to other sinners…
Keep my children close; don’t let them drift away from the assurance they received when they heard the Good News. Use me to teach them. When they experience the fruits of my love for Your people, let them crave opportunities to show their love and place people in their paths to receive it. Col 1:23…
You planted my children in the garden of their lives. Show them their role in tending that garden… that everything they need is there, but they must work it and take care of it to produce fruit. You give my children all the resources, but they must do their part! Ge 2:8, 2:15