Sunday 12/15/2019
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light.
1Peter 2:8-9
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Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light.
1Peter 2:8-9
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives. Once the doubt is gone, they will truly be…
Of course my children will fall, that is the nature of humanity! I pray they don’t view the fall as the end … but the beginning. Thank You for extending Your hand down to them … I pray they take it, rise in Your strength and finish the course You have set before them! Proverbs…
My children will be patient and kind. They will not be irritable, rude, selfish, easily angered and will keep no record of when they have been wronged. Let me be a living example of your definition of love so they will grow in knowledge and wisdom and reveal this kind of love to future generations….
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
My children have talent and God requires them to use it. They will not spend precious time strengthening the talents they want rather than the ones they already have. 1 Corinthians 12:11
I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Hebrews 12:12