Wednesday 3/25/2020
My children will not become dependent on earthly vices. They will see me live by every word and expression of God and know You are the path to a satisfactory life … not donuts or Red Bull.
Luke 4:4
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My children will not become dependent on earthly vices. They will see me live by every word and expression of God and know You are the path to a satisfactory life … not donuts or Red Bull.
Luke 4:4
I pray my children will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust.” When they do, then He will cover them with His pinions, and under His wings they will find trust and refuge; His truth and His…
My children will not have the kind of faith that allows them to be lazy or apathetic while waiting on the Lord. They will use all that has been given to them to do all that they can … then trust God to do the rest. Proverbs 16:9
Give my children the kind of faith that will give them the patience to wait for everything good that they want. Let them delight in and celebrate You so that You will give them the desires of their heart. Ps 37:4,7
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people… I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives. 1Jn…
Left alone my children are vulnerable and incomplete. Surround them with Christians of all ages who continually motivate them to love Christ better and better. Create among them a spirit of Christian community where it isn’t odd or weird for them to reach out to each other for prayer or spiritual based encouragement. 3Jn 1:1-2
We are created to believe the best in every person. My children do but they forget the most important part… ALL the time! Especially when someone is annoying them, may my children STOP and focus on the positive attributes… I am not that bad!!! 1 Cor 13:7