Wednesday 4/08/2020
As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Philippians 3:13, 20
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As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Philippians 3:13, 20
As my children mature allow me to give them the dignity of making more and more of their own mistakes and then letting them learn from those experiences. They belong to You not me … keep me from hindering You from working in their lives by over parenting. Romans 12:16, 14:3, 14:23
Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day… it’s not over yet… the best is yet to come! Jn 8:36
Let my children live by their spiritual values every day. May these principals be the light that guides them and offers stability and structure to their inner world. When that world is in order, they can navigate their way through anything. Jos 1:7-9
My children will be more influenced by the future than the past. What they commit themselves to will determine who they are today and who they will become. Php 3:13
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed, or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life… give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. Jn 14:1,6
As my children mature, I pray they begin to rejoice when they see people acting differently from ‘the world’… following the Lord in obedience instead! When my children truly begin to serve You… their definition of ‘cool’ will completely change from those imitating Hollywood… to those imitating Christ! 1 Co 13:6