Thursday 6/18/2020
Thank You for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives.
James 1:2-4
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Thank You for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives.
James 1:2-4
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them. 1Peter 4:10
Go with my children into the New Year so they will live and not hide. Give them the catalyst to activate their faith… courage. Show them how to tremble their way to confidence, that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the conquest of it. Dt 31:6
Give my children the wisdom of Joseph. To know that God is in control of our lives at all times,even in times of trouble. May they grow in this time so they will be prepared to accomplish Your will when the pieces fall into place. And they will!! Ge 45:8
Make my children willing to suffer for Your name, to choose not to sin and stand firm in pleasing You. This is one of the ways they show their love for You and place themselves in the Shelter of the Most High and causes them to dwell in love. Ps 91:1
Help my children see that becoming a person of discipline has nothing to do with talent or conditions… it is about choice! As they work to reach the goals they have made for themselves, give them the spirit of practice… keep that fire of desire burning in them and the discipline needed to accomplish what…
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Lev 2:13, Mk 9:50