Thursday 9/03/2020
May my children hear the whisper moving them to serve others. Their physical eyes hinder their God given sight… let them see past the physical imperfections of others and see what God sees!
1Jn 2:20, Jn 16:14
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May my children hear the whisper moving them to serve others. Their physical eyes hinder their God given sight… let them see past the physical imperfections of others and see what God sees!
1Jn 2:20, Jn 16:14
Give my children a tender heart… may they feel Your pain in the presence of friends who have closed their ears to Your Word and chosen not to receive or obey Your promptings. May these experiences cause them to renew their faith in Your way. And I ask You to help my children understand that…
Lord, let me hear the sweet comfort of Your voice. Those moments when my mind becomes sharp, clear, focused and completely consumed by my connection to You. My children will benefit as I carry them along my path, teaching them to walk with You also, and then rejoicing as they recognize Your voice and follow…
Let my children run in stride with those who (like them) are committed to lives of purity. Let them draw on examples of commitment to the Lord, like Eric Lidell (Chariots of Fire) and my life as encouragement to pursue their faith and finish their race. 2Timothy 2:22
My children will follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit within them and stay away from sin. The act is arbitrary. That is why God says that breaking one law or commandment is as detrimental as breaking them all! The fact that we reject His authority is all that matters, on a large or small…
Making God the ultimate authority in every decision my children make is the key to unlocking the door that releases peace into their lives. As Christians, the peace is always available to them (as is the love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) but they MUST choose Your will (they know the sound…
Give my children the drive to know You intimately then help them understand it won’t happen overnight. Let my children witness me taking the time and effort to become deeply acquainted with You so that they will have the faith to pursue a relationship with You that is so close that you will walk together…