Sunday 11/08/2020
May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is!
Ps 107:15-20
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May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is!
Ps 107:15-20
Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day… it’s not over yet… the best is yet to come! Jn 8:36
My children’s present struggle may be over what You want to do through them! When the world is saying no but something deep within my children stands firm, let them see that this is You… and if they walk it out… my children will achieve their God given destiny. Jn 7:38, Php 2:13
Give my children a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will be intrinsically motivated to obey Your commands. Let them experience the light free feeling that flows from doing the ‘right’ thing so that they crave more and truly begin to understand that obedience is not only the root of character but the foundation…
Thank you Lord for placing remarkable people around my children’s table. May they draw from the spirits of those living from that deep place of fire within … so that the souls of my children catch fire, burn brightly, and bring light to our broken world. As they take action to fulfill the deep longing…
Everyone has problems. Help my children see theirs differently and know that a problem is a sign they have a promise! As they suffer temporary situations or the actions of others they will learn to trust that You are steadfast and Your plan is to bless them… that as they suffer trials… if they persevere……
Build strong character in my children by giving them a clear sense of purpose. As they mature in character they will crave Your word, then all will be revealed; why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. My children will build their life on eternal truths,…