Friday 3/19/2021
God, please give my children complete understanding of what You want them to do in their lives, and I ask You to make them wise with spiritual wisdom.
Col 1:9
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God, please give my children complete understanding of what You want them to do in their lives, and I ask You to make them wise with spiritual wisdom.
Col 1:9
May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is! Ps 107:15-20
Let me be a shining example for my children of a life well lived. Give me Your wisdom and the strength to live by it… my children are watching. What I do means far more than what I say. The Bible holds thousands of promises for my children but they must stay the course in…
I pray my children hear You when You speak to them … through pastors, their Bibles, nature, songs, whispers, and sometimes my voice. You speak to them throughout the day gently nudging them in the direction of Your will … may they seek You and be aware of Your constant presence. Revelation 2:29
My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them. John 4:23
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. Scripture is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God…
I pray my children stand firm and NEVER give in to a coldness of heart. May they never allow the enemy to talk them into protecting themselves relationally by shutting their hearts up in a steel box. Mt 24:12