Saturday 4/24/2021
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised.
Heb 11:34
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Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised.
Heb 11:34
My children will consider the ways of the ant and be wise. The ant does not wait for someone to tell them how to survive, they just do it. Give my children the determination to accomplish the ingrained mission programmed into their very being… and the will to keep working daily towards that goal! Pr…
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives… not just to their lives… but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Co 3:18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Secure my children’s values so they stand firm when tempted. May they know who they are. Then release them from the urge to compare themselves to others, especially those that are not pleasing You. Give them the grace to free others from conforming to their standards and the security to believe that judgment is Your…
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
Build strong character in my children by giving them a clear sense of purpose. As they mature in character they will crave Your word, then all will be revealed; why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. My children will build their lives on eternal truths,…
Let my children savor the fruits of their own industry. Give them a spirit of independence so they taste the exquisite reward of freedom … then let them readily share the overflowing abundance of their hearts and their treasure … for when they truly love others my children will begin to see God’s hand working…