Friday 6/03/2022
May my children look to God alone for direction and not become dependent on the world to define who they will become.
1Sa 8:19-20
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May my children look to God alone for direction and not become dependent on the world to define who they will become.
1Sa 8:19-20
Help my children understand what it means to honor one another above themselves. Let them experience the unexpected joy of helping others and the unbelievable peace that comes when they stop believing that their way is the only way. Ro 12:10
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attribute of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50
When my children fall into bed after a long productive day I will rejoice rather than pity them for having to work so hard… for the sleep of a laboring man is sweet… and the ability to enjoy the fruit of labor is a gift from God. Ecc 5:12,19
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who has offended or hurt them… their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those…
Let my children recognize that the little rainbows in their lives (the small needs met at just the right time) are the signs that You care for them. I will watch for these moments in their lives also and together will worship You in gratitude and love. Ge 9:13-15
May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them! James 1:6-8