Friday 6/17/2022
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings.
Heb 10:36
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Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings.
Heb 10:36
Teach my children to pray heartfelt and continuous prayers and reveal to them the life changing power available to those who live a life pleasing to you… may the resurrected power of Christ dwell in my children so they may become a mighty force for Your kingdom leading Your sheep back home! Jas 5:16-20
Your word teaches us that if anyone will not work, neither let them eat. As my children mature, help me identify appropriate ways to hold them accountable for idleness and not taking care of their business! 1Th 3:11-12
I pray my children speak with You this morning, saying to You, “All You command us we will do, and wherever You send us we will go.” Joshua 1:16
Go with my children into the New Year so they will live and not hide. Give them the catalyst to activate their faith… courage. Show them how to tremble their way to confidence, that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the conquest of it. Dt 31:6
For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan! Eph 1:11
Take my children’s hand so they will feel the warmth of Yours. They will not seek pleasure from worldly desires that lead to destruction but rather seek experiences that draw them closer to You. They will give and receive only love. Dt 31:8