Monday 11/07/2022
May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You!
Isa 26:3
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May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You!
Isa 26:3
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Co 9:16
Help my children see that they were given the affection of compassion so that they can protect lives by helping one another. We were created by one God, descended from one man, connected by the law of kinship and should love everyone. Gal 6:2, Lactantius
May my children witness my joy and know the source by the way I live. I pray they find their way to my well and grow dependent on Your Living Water! The world entices with flashy and instant gratification, show my children there is a better way. Use me! Jn 10:10, Jn 7:37-38
My children have talent and God requires them to use it. They will not spend precious time strengthening the talents they want rather than the ones they already have. 1 Corinthians 12:11
Encourage my children to share each other’s problems and troubles. Help them keep each other on the right path being careful not to fall into the same temptations themselves. Give them Your wisdom so they can gently and humbly help others overcome sin. Galatians 6:1-2
Teach my children to live in Your will by giving them the resources they need minute by minute as they plunge into their unique adventures with You. The right provision at just the right moment will encourage them to stay on this awesome ride with You- fulfilling their purpose in the body of Christ! Mt…