Thursday 11/17/2022
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Ro 15:5-6
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Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Ro 15:5-6
Whisper to my children today, remind them to stand strong, vigorous and very courageous … to be neither afraid nor dismayed. Let them feel Your presence as they are touched by a stranger’s smile, the song of the wind, the warmth of the sun, and the sting of the rain and know that You, the…
I pray my children view their circumstances with You as the focal point and see that their problems are a platform to display Your power to act on their behalf… may they understand this, stand firm in their faith, and NOT let the enemy get the best of them! Mt 14:24-33
Teach my children to speak their truth… to know who they are, why they are here… and have the courage to live accordingly. God, You gave each of my children a plan and a purpose and through Jesus Christ they will discover their own personal truth… and when they do and choose to live accordingly,…
We are created to believe the best in every person. My children do, but they forget the most important part… ALL the time! Especially when someone is annoying them, may my children STOP and focus on the positive attributes. 1 Cor 13:7
We are commanded by Jesus Christ not to worry. Most of the trouble my children fear will never happen… worry is simply Satan’s tool to steal their day… and eventually their life! Mt 6:25
Place a burning desire in my children’s hearts to read Your Word… for every answer to every problem they are facing today can be found in their Bible. The printed words are like pipes, transporting life giving water into their souls… but they must learn to connect themselves to the source of Your joy, comfort,…