Monday 2/13/2023
Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer.
Col 2:8-10
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Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer.
Col 2:8-10
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others… love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality… they won’t long for…
Help my children grasp that Your promises apply only under covenant relationship. Let them understand that You never break Your promises… but if my children choose to break covenant with You by living in unrepentant disobedience… they have broken the covenant and ultimately their conduit in receiving Your promises. 1 Ch 28:9
My children will constantly listen to and obey Jesus. This is a direct command from You! I will do the same. Mark 9:7
Encourage my children to share each other’s problems and troubles. Help them keep each other on the right path being careful not to fall into the same temptations themselves. Give them Your wisdom so they can gently and humbly help others overcome sin. Gal 6:1-2
Build strong character in my children by giving them a clear sense of purpose. As they mature in character they will crave Your word, then all will be revealed; why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. My children will build their lives on eternal truths,…
When someone exits my children’s life… that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned… it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths, then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Sa 12:20