Wednesday 5/10/2023
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world.
Jos 23:13
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It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world.
Jos 23:13
Give my children a new heart and put a new spirit into them. May their hearts be soft and able to feel the exquisite pain of the piercing of Your arrows… so that their hearts are no longer hardened against the piercing of Your word and the teachings of our Master. Eze 36:26
Thank you for giving my children Your Word and giving me the insight to release its power into their lives. May they exercise the power of the Word in their own lives by learning to adhere to, trust in, and rely on it! 1Th 2:13
Help my children understand that they will need people to help fulfill Your purpose for their life and get them where they need to go next. Let them see me humble myself to others as well as honor those God has placed in my life. Romans 16:3
Being filled with pride comes naturally. Give my children more heroes like David Robinson who gives all glory to You! It is only when my children finally admit their victories are simply reflections of Your glory that they are supplied with the supernatural strength of a humble spirit. Humility is not a sign of weakness…
Make my children confident and courageous. Take their hand and lead them to start something today that they have been putting off rather than waiting for perfect conditions to begin. Take my hand, too! Ecclesiastes 11:4; Deuteronomy 1:29-30
Build strong character in my children by teaching them the importance of self discipline. Their greatest victories will be their internal ones. They will set their standards high by following the example of the spiritual strength and character needed to accomplish great things for You. Proverbs 16:32, Matthew 16:24